(c) Skyhound

How to Efficiently Enter Multiple Log Entries

  1. Create all of the locations, telescopes, and observers you will need before hand

  2. Open the Log Browser via the button on the planner

  3. Click the New Entry button. This will bring up the New Log Defaults dialog.  This dialog is your primary means of creating multiple entries, and can greatly speed up the process.  It is this dialog that sets all the background information and creates the log entry.  Once the log entry is created all you need to do is type the description and observing conditions in the Log Dialog.  The dialog will remain on screen after you create an entry so you can use it for the next one.

    Set the Object and Local time to to "Ask."  If you have many logs, perhaps from a written record, arrange your logs in order by location, observer, instrument, and night.  If you use a standard format for the observing conditions set them up as presets so you don't have to type them each time.  This dialog is all about helping you avoid tedious typing!

    Select the location, observer, night and instrument for your first group of log entries.  Click Create Log Entry.  You will be prompted to enter the object and time. 

    The Log Dialog will appear with your new log entry.  When this dialog appears the log entry already exists, but with a blank description.  To remove it use the Delete button.  The Cancel button cancels any changes you make to the text and closes the window, but does not delete the entire entry.  Type your description. Enter the observing conditions.  Click Close if you like, although this isn't necessary.

    Go back to the New Log Defaults dialog.  Click the Create Log Entry button again and follow the above procedure.  When something changes, such as the instrument, or night, make the change on this dialog before creating a new log entry.  If something changes often then set it to "Ask" and you will be prompted each time you create a new log entry.