Solar, Lunar and Planetary Imaging
- Solar Eclipse 2024 April 8 (2 Replies)
- Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon & Earth (12 Replies)
- Iapetus transit of Saturn in 2022 – 30th April 4:00am Australia (44 Replies)
- Nereid, the third largest of Neptune’s moons (mag. 18.69) and Minor Planet Christophe (20 Replies)
- Dwarf Planet Quaoar (9 Replies)
- Neptune, Triton, Nereid and a couple of Asteroids (1 Reply)
- Jupiter animation of 39 Frames, with GRS and Europa. Brisbane 21/22 Apr 2018. (1 Reply)
- The real reason I was up at 3:00am Sunday – Jupiter & Mars conjunction (2 Replies)
- Jupiter, Europa, Io & Ganymede (7 Replies)
- Mars showing Phobos & Deimos (3 Replies)
- Nereid, third largest of Neptune’s moons – Brisbane 27th & 28th Aug 2016. (1 Reply)
- Uranus; Ariel, Miranda, Oberon, Titania and Umbriel (3 Replies)