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Full Version: ST4 visual and Nexus II
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I am considering purchasing SkyTools 4 to use with my Nexus II, my telescope is NOT computer controlled, its on a Losmandy G4 mount and I've been using the Nexus as a push-to with SkySafari, unfortunately SkySafari is not cooperating and I'm looking for alternatives.

Does anyone have experience using the two together and is there a detailed setup guide for computer illiterates like myself?

Does the computer need to be connected to the Nexus II by USB cable or can I connect the two via Wifi?

I would like to have the software installed on my laptop for use with the Nexus II and copy on my home machine for planning etc., Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

Trent I am sure Greg will reply on this but in general SkyTools uses the ASCOM drivers to connect to telescopes so if there is an ASCOM driver that can work with this then the answer would be yes. You can install ST on multiple machines so I don't think that would be an issue. Normally it would connect by WiFi because that is what the Nexus II is designed to do. However whether this connection is simple or not I can't say. Anything like this is going to require a certain level of computer literacy.

I don't see a direct driver of this type but I would contact Serge who is the developer for the Nexus II and ask him. On this website he does have a guide for connecting the Nexus II to SkyTools.
Thank you Obrazell, I have send an email to Serge.