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How do I merge two or more Observing Lists into a single Observing List?


Hi Gene,

About the easiest way to add the contents of one Observing List (OL) to another is:

1) R-clk on the Header of the Check column (make sure you have the Check column displayed in the Column Scheme) in OL #1
2) Select Check all
3) R-clk on a Check mark & choose 'Copy Checked to...', then select the OL where you want all of the objects located, as shown:

ST4 will copy all of the Checked objects to the destination OL. You can also use this technique to copy any portion of one OL to another. Just check the desired objects & R-clk on one of the Check marks. As shown, you also have the option to Move checked objects as well as Copy them. Just repeat the steps for each additional OL.

Look in the Help for other things that you can do with the Check marks - they're pretty handy.

Hope this helps,

Phil S.
Thanks for this tip.  It's exactly what I was looking for.

