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Full Version: Total lunar eclipse on 2022 May 15
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There will be a total lunar eclipse on the evening of May 15 to the morning of May 16 visible from here in central Ohio. It looks to be a pretty deep eclipse, so the moon may get quite red. First contact is 22:29 EDT with the moon in the SE in Libra at 18° altitude.

Clear skies,

Phil S.
Was anyone fortunate to observe the lunar eclipse last night? We had clear skies & I was able to observe the moon in totality ~15 minutes after 2nd contact. It was quite dark red, but noticeably brighter on the southwest portion. The ST4v representation was a good approximation IMHO.

Phil S.
Figuring out how to simulate a lunar eclipse was actually pretty fun. I'm glad you found it to a good approximation.
We were able to watch it from the beginning and up until just after mid eclipse (3:29UT). Around 4:30UT (23:30 CDT) we had thin cirrus move into our area but it did not totally ruin the viewing but it was clear that it dimmed the effect of totality somewhat. It was a great experience as the weather was very pleasant with a slight breeze. And we had no pesky mosquitoes. I also found it the darkest I've ever seen in 37 years of watching.