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Full Version: Buzzed by 2022 KP6 on May 25
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This one was detected on May 25, but just made it into the MPC's NEAs at Today's Epoch file for June 2. The MPC only reported 30 observations, all on May 25:


30 total observations over interval: 2022 05 25.214051 – 2022 05 25.534829

The last 12 appear to be from Japan.

According to the ST4v ephemeris, peak brightness was 12.9 magnitude on May 25 1000 EDT when Re was 23.9k km. The MP was in Aquila moving at 66.9"/sec.

According to CNEOS the close approach occurred on May 25 at 1505 UT at 17.426k km (0.00012 AU). The 'Rarity' of this pass was a 2.

This would have been a pretty impressive close approach if you could find it.

Phil S.