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CNEOS predicts that the recently discovered NEO 2022 RM4 will make a close approach on 2022-Nov-01 18:28 ± 00:04 UT at a distance of 0.01536 AU. H=19.5 magnitude, V Relative=23.47 km/sec, 'Rarity'=2, Condition Code=6. This is a large one. It was discovered by Pan-STARRS-2, Haleakala on 2022-9-12. The orbit has been repeatedly refined since discovery as the information in the ST4v Object Information dialog shows. The uncertainty of the time of close approach has been reduced from almost 3 days to 4 minutes with the additional observations.

Using the orbital elements from the MPC for epoch 2022 Oct 21 00:00 UT, ST4v predicts that this NEO will reach a peak brightness of 14.4 magnitude on 2022 Nov 1 1400 EDT at a distance of 0.02 AU when it will be moving through Sagittarius at 126.8"/min in daylight as seen from Columbus, Ohio. It's predicted to brighten from 16 magnitude on Oct 29 to 14.7 magnitude on Oct 31, The improved elements have resulted in a reduced predicted peak brightness, unfortunately. I left the predictions from the old Sep 16 elements in the OI for comparison, so be sure to use the ones for Oct 21. I don't expect newer elements to change the predictions much at this point, but if they do, I'll update this post accordingly.

Here's an Interactive Atlas chart showing the predicted path from October 29 - November 1 as seen from Columbus, Ohio: [attachment=2547]

The moon will interfere, unfortunately. As always, parallax will affect the position of the NEO, so make charts for your observing location if you plan to make observations of this object.

Dennis, I didn't calculate an ephemeris for your location, but the close approach time looks good for you. Hope the weather cooperates.

Good hunting all,

Phil S.
Nice one. Moon isn't my issue. Closest and brightest for me at 13:26 Nov 1 at mag 14.4, 3° up in daylight moving 2'/min. What fun. Thanks for the update.... LOL
On the evening of October 31 2000-2200 EDT it will be moving through Aquila at ~90"/min while 14.7 magnitude. That still sounds pretty fast despite not quite at close approach. Calculate the ephemeris & see what it predicts for your location. I don't know how much more the MPC will refine the elements before the close approach. It's still Condition Code=6.

Good hunting,

Phil S.
The altitude is good until it gets dark. But similar to you on other figures.