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Looks like 29P has had a strong out burst again and is well within visual range.
My skies cleared around 22:00 local last night and I got the news from Richard Miles at comets-ml b4 I attempting to spot LW3. LW3 was a bust. If the skies hold for tonight, LW3 should be within range in my 13" from the driveway. However, 29P was up ~30° in the NE and I had little difficulty spotting it. It was a very tight fuzzball with a brighter nucleus. Right where ST had it plotted. I make it out in the mid 12s based on the 12.4 mag Tycho star 01906-0524 1 just 4'SW of the comet at 22:30. Interesting as the 4 mag outburst was the brightest in 12 years. This outburst occurred in just 25 minutes based on imagery by P. Wiggins. Wondering if it got hit by an asteroid?
No it has outbursts all the time which are posited to be some form of cryovulcanism. I think you may have asteroids on the brain :-)
(2022-11-23, 08:41 PM)obrazell Wrote: [ -> ]No it has outbursts all the time which are posited to be some form of cryovulcanism. I think you may have asteroids on the brain :-)

My head is always full of rocks. DW says it rattles. LOL