is it possible to define some user defined "region" in the target list? e.g. I want to create the region around Sadr with all the Ha as a "wild field target". Is there any possibility?
Hi Marcus,
Is this a clarification of your question about searching a Target List? If so, this helps a lot. You can use the Database Power Search (DBPS) to run a search of the ST4 data bases for all types of objects. Here's how I set up the DBPS to search for diffuse nebulae <5° from Sadr in the constellation Cygnus: [
The search found 29 objects. Next I saved the list of objects as a new Observing List(OL) (I ran this search in ST4 Visual, but it will also work in St4 Imaging). I've appended the OL below.
The DBPS allows you to search for other types of nebulae, stars, galaxies, etc. within a specific distance of an object that you specify. The DBPS function is a very powerful feature of SkyTools. You can also search many other classes of objects.
Hope this helps,
Phil S.
Hi Marcus,
I forgot that the ST4 Visual & Imaging .stx files contain different information, so I reran the DBPS search using the ST4i program. There are still 29 objects listed in the results. The .stx file is attached below.
Interesting, the files are the same size. I thought that there was a difference between the Visual & Imaging formats. Anyway, now you have both.

Hi Phil,
I am familiarizing myself with ST4 step by step and in the meantime some things have become clearer to me.
This question here was not really in relation to my question how to search the target list. I wondered how to define a target for some kind of wide field, where you have many DSO in the FOV, for example the area around Sadr. For that I don't want to see around 20 Targets that are all in the FOV as list items, all these should be merged to one list item "Sadr region", that has to be created. I have learnt in the meantime that you can simply add additional objects with coordinates. So I would do so for my "Sadr region" object?
Would this be the right way for it?
Thanks a lot and CS
Hi Marcus,
Sorry that this didn't address your question about sorting your Target List (TL).
Now that you have this TL with diffuse nebulae near Sadr, you can add other types of objects to it & use the Target List filter function to display just the object types that you're currently interested in. If you collapse all of these objects into a single item how will you identify them in the future? Would you want to call them all "Sadr region object" instead of using their designations, like Butterfly Nebula or Crescent Nebula? That would get confusing for me.
It's generally a good idea to keep the TLs short enough that you can pick out the objects that you want at a quick glance. A TL with just 29 objects shouldn't be too difficult to deal with. You can also do some research & give them star ratings for future use.
Hope this helps,
Phil S.
Use the Database Power Search to generate lists of objects withing a search radius and then add them to a list.