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Two questions regarding logging relating to Astronomical League Observing Programs:

1.  Most of the observing programs for the Astronomical League require information regarding observing conditions beyond that of just seeing and transparency.  Some require a notation of the weather and moon phase.  How can these be recorded in SkyTools?  I assume these should go in the "Observing Conditions" box in the log, but since the conditions generally are unchanged from observation to observation, entering these detailed conditions for each log entry becomes cumbersome and prone to error.  I suppose I can just copy and paste, but am wondering if there is an alternate place for this data (with the session, if session data could be printed with the log), or perhaps some other way to default the data.

2.  I do mostly EAA and record the image at the end of the observation.  For AL observing programs, this qualifies for the "image" version of the observing program which usually requires that an image be provided with the log.  To do so, the images can be provided electronically, but it is also permissible to send a printed copy of the image.  If I save a copy of the image with the object, is there a way that I can print the image with the log that is being printed?  Is there a way to associate an image directly with an observation?

I understand that you are working on an EAA version of SkyTools.  I'm really looking forward to that and have my credit card number ready to submit for purchase as soon as it's released.

Hello @Jeffshy. Keep in mind, I'm still in learning mode, but I love it that you do EAA too. I can *maybe* help with question 1.
When you get ready to do your *first* log of the night, I *think* what we're being trained to do is right-click the object and choose "Create Log Entries." (Note that it's plural.) The idea behind this selection is aimed squarely at the point you raise. Fill to as many boxes as you can that will carry over to subsequent log entries - then hit "Save" (lower right). On Subsequent log entries, you can now right-click and choose "Create Quick Log Entry" and all your defaults will be filled in automatically. How 'bout that? It's like Greg was reading your mind! : ) (It's because he actually uses the software for his own astronomy too! : ) ) Note the shortcut key -- "L" (I'm using an upper case "L" so it won't look like an upper case of the letter i) -- which means you don't even have to right-click and search for a sub-menu in the context menu.

I also know you can save an image for each observation. Just double-click the object, select the "Images" tab (from the 12 available tabs) then choose "Add."

When you get ready to export your list - now that's where we need a "pro" to chime in. I haven't discovered any way yet to export a list with images.

Hope that at least helps on *something* you asked. : )

Keep observing. Love it that there's another EAA user here. I've got my credit card out too. : )

Good answer Doug!

You guys might like to know that I am working on a feature in V4.1 that will make it easy to attach an image directly to a log entry.
In case it hadn't occurred to you, that "attach an image directly to a log entry" will fit *perfectly* in the new EAA version, Greg.

Thanks for the encouragement. It feels like I still have so much to learn.
Yes, absolutely. Its also for those who make sketches at the eyepiece.
(2024-02-16, 06:56 PM)EmeraldHillsSkies Wrote: [ -> ]Hello @Jeffshy. Keep in mind, I'm still in learning mode, but I love it that you do EAA too. I can *maybe* help with question 1.
When you get ready to do your *first* log of the night, I *think* what we're being trained to do is right-click the object and choose "Create Log Entries." (Note that it's plural.) The idea behind this selection is aimed squarely at the point you raise. Fill to as many boxes as you can that will carry over to subsequent log entries - then hit "Save" (lower right). On Subsequent log entries, you can now right-click and choose "Create Quick Log Entry" and all your defaults will be filled in automatically. How 'bout that? It's like Greg was reading your mind! : ) (It's because he actually uses the software for his own astronomy too! : ) )  Note the shortcut key -- "L" (I'm using an upper case "L" so it won't look like an upper case of the letter i) -- which means you don't even have to right-click and search for a sub-menu in the context menu.

I also know you can save an image for each observation. Just double-click the object, select the "Images" tab (from the 12 available tabs) then choose "Add."

When you get ready to export your list - now that's where we need a "pro" to chime in. I haven't discovered any way yet to export a list with images.

Hope that at least helps on *something* you asked. : )

Keep observing. Love it that there's another EAA user here. I've got my credit card out too. : )


Works like a charm, thanks.

About twenty years ago, I spent some time logging double stars in my backyard observatory using SkyTools 3.  By FAR the best astronomy program out there for double stars.  Amazing how clearly they are portrayed in the eyepiece view.  But my business intervened and I sort of dropped out of astronomy.  

About 18 months ago, after selling my business, I started to get back into it, but light pollution had become so much worse.  I stumbled on the ridiculously expensive products from Vaonis and Unistellar and after playing with them for a very short time, I was seeing more in a few sessions than I had ever seen in my 8 inch SCT.  So now I'm into EAA and trying to get SkyTools 4 Visual Pro running on my Mac and am looking forward to Greg's new EAA version.

By the way, I've watched several of your YouTube videos and was watching your recent Valentine's Day live stream before I dropped off to go to bed.

Thanks for the tips,


(2024-02-16, 08:06 PM)theskyhound Wrote: [ -> ]Good answer Doug!

You guys might like to know that I am working on a feature in V4.1 that will make it easy to attach an image directly to a log entry.

Very appropriate in EAA to have that image directly attached to a log entry.

it would be really nice if it could also be printed with the log.

Looking forward to that EAA version,
Wow Jeff, ... thanks for participating in the EmeraldHillsSkies videos. I'm always *amazed* that anyone does that... but I have to admit, I love "Team Astronomy" a lot more than the ole days when I sat out in spooky darkness all by myself, hearing every stick crackle, wondering if a rascal was sneaking up on me to scare me. So thanks for taking part!

Cool to hear your story. Love it. Glad to have you aboard here!

(2024-02-16, 08:06 PM)theskyhound Wrote: [ -> ]Good answer Doug!

You guys might like to know that I am working on a feature in V4.1 that will make it easy to attach an image directly to a log entry.

Really good idea. I was going to ask for that. Hope we see it soon.