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Full Version: Data for ZWO Filters ?
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Hi Wink 

Does anyone have data files for the ZWO LRGB and narrow-band fiilters ( )?

Hi Jim,

Have you seen the thread in the SkyTools4 Support forum by russj? I think he made some progress on your filter issue. He also was looking for ZWO filter transmission data.

Phil S.
(2019-03-18, 02:21 PM)PMSchu Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Jim,

Have you seen the thread in the SkyTools4 Support forum by russj? I think he made some progress on your filter issue. He also was looking for ZWO filter transmission data.

Phil S.

Hi Phil,

Thanks so much for alerting me to the russj discussion thread.  I was not aware of it and my forum search did not flag it.

I sent an email to Russ requesting a copy of his data files.

Hi Jim,

I hope that russj has the info that you need. That thread had useful info for anyone who wanted to input their own filter transmission data.

Phil S.
(2019-03-16, 01:47 PM)jim_v Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Wink 

Does anyone have data files for the ZWO LRGB and narrow-band fiilters ( )?


G'day Jim, I sent you a private message, with details.    cheers Russ