Good evening,
Before creating one, has anyone created an STX file of the Multiple Star observing list?
I looked in ST3 data manager but didn't come across one. If one doesn't exist, I'll create and share.
Thank you.
Hi Mike,
I had a look and I don't think this is the same list as the AL Double stars, which has been around for some time. If someone does have this list, please post it here so I can put it on my web site.
Note: if anyone tries entering these objects, please be aware of a problem that was recently brought to my attention at Okie-Tex. When you enter a designation for a double star into the Designation Search, e.g. STF 124, by default it will always return the last lettered pair in the system rather than the AB pair. If there are four components to STF 123 (A, B, C, and D) then if you enter STF 123 it will always return STF 123D. When creating your list take care to select the proper pair on the bottom right of the dialog before adding it to the list. You can directly enter the pair you want my appending the secondary component, such as STF123B.
I will have a fix for this in ST4 and a future update to ST3.
Hi Greg,
You are correct. This is a new program, not the same as the double star program already in the STX library.
Thank you for the heads up on the search function results, too.
To proceed, I'll create an import file from the AL program list. Then I'll clean up the imported list and post for review. That will be a rainy day or weekend chore in the next couple of weeks. This will be my first list created using these capabilities, so expect some fits and starts.
If anyone is interested in using the resulting file, do you anticipate any issues with one entry per system using the primary as the target? This would result in a list of 114 objects. That seems to be the protocol with the other multiple star lists.
Thank you.
(2019-10-04, 12:48 AM)starmaster18 Wrote: [ -> ]Good evening,
Before creating one, has anyone created an STX file of the Multiple Star observing list?
I looked in ST3 data manager but didn't come across one. If one doesn't exist, I'll create and share.
Thank you.
I am working on creating this list, and I come across a problem. When I save the list and load again all the pair in the list get reset to the AB pair.
When I crate the list I search for the star in the designation search tool and the in the drop down select the different pairs in the multiple system AB, AC... and click add for each one of them, but in the list adds all of them as AB pair, than I have to click on the pair column on the list after adding the pair and select the pair which data I want to display in each case on the list (not in the designation search tool).
The problem is when I save the list (share as stx file) and load it again doesn't keep the pairs and resets all of them to AB.
I would be of no use to share this list if doesn´t actually have the pairs that are in the original list but a couple of time the same AB pair for each multiple star.
Hope we can find a solution/fix to this problem, I am interested in building the list and share it here.
Thank you,
Here's my list . I combined several double star lists into one.
Finally I finished creating this list is posted on the Summited Observing/Target List section of the forum.