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Feb comets - Printable Version

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Feb comets - obrazell - 2021-02-03

Has the Feb current comets list got the wrong date as it still says Jan 1st or has the Feb comets list for ST4 not yet gone up?


RE: Feb comets - theskyhound - 2021-02-03

Hi Owen,

Good catch as usual. There was indeed an issue with the latest lists not being made properly available on the server. It should be good now. Please try again.

RE: Feb comets - obrazell - 2021-02-03

There seems to be a timing issue with uploading new current data however I was able to get it into ST4I as I had not triggered the upload in there previously today  and indeed it now says Feb 1.



RE: Feb comets - PMSchu - 2021-02-03

My ST4v (4.0j) automatically updated the Current bright novae/supernovae on 31 Jan & 2 Feb when the program started, but not the Current comets (Current MPs update is turned off in my case due to all the MPs in my database). I forced the Current comets update today & the file says it's 2021 Feb 1. I checked after your reply to Owen.

Phil S.

RE: Feb comets - obrazell - 2021-03-02

Hi Greg sorry to trouble you after all the issues you have been having with the MP people but do we know if the current comets list has been updated as it still says Feb 6th? The Minor planet one says March. The Current SN one still says Feb 28th. I think the ST3 ones still say Feb 1st as well, not sure if you are still updating those.


RE: Feb comets - theskyhound - 2021-03-02

Hi Owen,

No, the current comets have not yet been updated. I am working on that today. There isn't a lot of recent data available due to the full moon, so its taking a little longer this month.

I need a place where I can post notices about these things that is easy to find. I'm working on that.

RE: Feb comets - obrazell - 2021-03-02

OK thanks. The weather is crap here anyway so won't be going out for a few days, even if lockdown permitted it :-)


RE: Feb comets - obrazell - 2021-03-07

Did the ST3 lists get updated or just the St4 ones? Asking for a friend really.

RE: Feb comets - bellpilot2002 - 2021-03-07

(2021-03-07, 03:10 PM)obrazell Wrote: Did the ST3 lists get updated or just the St4 ones? Asking for a friend really.

I have ST3 and ST4 and it appears the comets did not get updated in ST3, the last one being Feb 1.

RE: Feb comets - PMSchu - 2021-03-07

Hi Owen,

You probably saw Greg's message yesterday that the Current Comets issue has been corrected. When I started ST4v this morning the Current Comets were updated as of 6 March 2021. 

The Current MPs & Novae/Supernovae in ST3 appear to be updated to March 2021, but the Current Comets still says 1 February 2021.

Phil S.