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GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO?
I managed to get out last night and grab a series of LRGB Frames 120:60:60:60 30 sec exposures each of PN G288.7+08.1 and the "mystery" object.

The "mystery" object "looks" like a faint fuzzy when you compare it to the nearby Galaxy LEDA 445548 at R.A. 11h18m59.9s Dec. -52°19'43" (2000) in Centaurus at Magnitude: 17.30 B shown in the wider field view.

Also, SkyTools 4 Imaging shows two objects at the location of PN G288.7+08.1; the PN itself and a Spiral Galaxy ESO 216-2 as follows.

ESO 216 2
aka PGC 34540
R.A. 11h18m09.6s Dec. -52°10'00" (2000) in Centaurus
Magnitude: 15.40 B
Size: 35" x 32"
Mean Surface Br. 22.3 Mag/arcsec²
Class: Spiral
Hubble Type: Sbc
Orientation: Face on
Status: known galaxy
It spans 176 x 162 pixels, for a scale rating of C .

The full res crop of the "mystery" object (Yellow circle) appears to show two bright concentrations within the extended fuzzy outline. The mystery continues...



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RE: GSC 08225-985 (J111827.8-520821) RA 11:18:11.37 DEC -52:07:12.6 (J2000). Is it a DSO? - by Dennis - 2021-06-12, 10:57 PM

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