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Big, bright fast mover (7482) 1994 PC1
This rock will burn a hole thru the thin stuff at only 5-6LD! Nice chart Phil!! I brought that rock to the attention of our local clubs just after Christmas. For us here in SE Texas on the evening of January 17th, that large (1 mile) rock from space (1994 PC1) will make a nice pass in the south. The moon is full but 84° from the rock's location. Highest ~8pm at magnitude 9-10 moving at a speed of ~1.3'/min. In just 3 hours the rock tracks 4° as it move out of Fornax into Eridanus. Then again as Phil points out, we get another jab at it high in the south in the early evening of the 18th as we track thru and out of Astronomical twilight, now moving 2'/min. Moon 105° away. Finally, a really big boy. But oh my, January weather!

Even on the 19th, this big rock is high in the NW moving quickly along the Andromeda/Pegasus border at 11th mag at end of astronomical twilight.

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RE: Big, bright fast mover (7482) 1994 PC1 - by bigmasterdrago - 2022-01-03, 10:57 PM

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