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New imaging project with new object

I have a problem when I want to create a new target with any designation.
On my chart I open object requestor and choose "enter coordonates" and put the RA and DEC coordonates on hours, for example RA 21 18 60 and DEC +40 36 35.
I "accept" it and clic on "more object information" and clic on create imaging project and I can see this :
-coordonates of my new object is : -03h49m10.99s -57°17'45" !
It is impossible to modify !

What is wrong on my action ?

Nicolas Outters

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Hello Nicolas,

This is a usage case that I either hadn't considered or at least is not currently working properly. An Imaging Project must be created based on an object in the database. There are a couple of ways to do what you want to do, with a few extra steps.

If you are targeting an actual object that is not in the database for some reason, then add it as a supplemental database object. If just coordinates, then create a Skymark.

1. To create a Skymark, use the top level Data menu and select Skymarks. Click Enter New Skymark and enter the position and a designation. You can also do this directly from a chart, by right-clicking and selecting Create Skymark at cursor. Once created, you can look this object up just like any other object and create an Imaging Project for it in the normal way.

2. For an extended deep sky object, use the Top level Data Menu and select Supplemental Deep Sky. Click Enter New Deep Sky Object and enter the properties and a designation. You can look this object up just like any other object and create an Imaging Project for it in the normal way.

2. For a star like object, use the Top level Data Menu and select Novae & Supernovae.Click You can use this database to create a normal star too. Enter New Stellar Object and enter the properties and a designation. You can look this object up just like any other object and create an Imaging Project for it in the normal way.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Since this isn't really a support issue, I am moving this thread to the appropriate "How do I... forum" so others can learn from it.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Hello Greg,
That is working well now, thank you very much for the method.

Nicolas Outters

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