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Feature Request
Xmas is coming in the form of version 4.1 later this year. If you guys could have one wish with SkyTools to make this process of observing close approachers easier, what would it be?

Better yet, no need to get caught up in a specific feature request, but rather identify something in the process that is clunky, time consuming, or frustrating, and let me figure out how to make it better.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Hi Greg,

Apparently the MPC provides element data files for all of the NEOs at Today's Epoch ±15 days. It could be useful to be able to select one of these other element data files besides the one at Today's Epoch.

Since ST4 is limited to one set of elements per 200 day interval (maybe that's not the correct way to describe it), for especially close passes could the data file from HORIZONS be read & used to provide different sets of elements during the pass?

Sorry, that's 2 wishes  Wink.

Phil S.
I understand the problem you are referring to, but I think have a better solution, one which address both issues. I just need it to be something that won't take too much time to implement, and I think I may see a way forward on that. As a bonus, I can fairly easily add the ability to import Horizon elements in bulk--for a single asteroid.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
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Hi Greg,

I think that the bulk-input of HORIZONS elements from a file would solve both of my wishes.  Cool


Phil S.
No, Phil, it wouldn't. That wouldn't change how the elements are used with respect to their epoch.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Head Dude, what I meant was that the ability to read a data file of elements from HORIZONS for a single NEO would eliminate the need to download an MPC elements data file from a date other than Today's Epoch. I'm assuming that ST4 would use the closest set of elements taken from the HORIZONS file as required. Since it's usually only a single NEO that would require this special capability at a time, the current MPC element function is fine 99% of the time.

Does this clarify things or am I still missing something?

Phil S.

The source of elements is not important. You mentioned that you already downloaded elements from HORIZONS. This would simplify the process. However, the issue of minor planets being sorted into 200-day epochs for chart plotting remains unresolved. Currently, the program only plots the latest downloaded elements for Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) as adding new elements overwrites the existing ones. For other purposes, the closest elements in time are used, regardless of the 200-day epoch period. My idea would allow the program to switch elements (for NEAs only) on the charts.

This is all very complicated. Its complicated because there are too many minor planets to draw quickly enough, so I need to have shortcuts. The main shortcut is sorting elements into separate epoch files for plotting on the charts. Doing that, runs contrary to observing an NEA during close approach, so it needs a kludge in place to make it work at all for that.

Let me put it this way: my idea would mean you wouldn't have to understand the complicated things going on under the hood. It would all just work with no additional effort from the user.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
(2023-01-30, 08:11 PM)theskyhound Wrote: Phil,

The source of elements is not important. You mentioned that you already downloaded elements from HORIZONS. This would simplify the process. However, the issue of minor planets being sorted into 200-day epochs for chart plotting remains unresolved. Currently, the program only plots the latest downloaded elements for Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) as adding new elements overwrites the existing ones. For other purposes, the closest elements in time are used, regardless of the 200-day epoch period. My idea would allow the program to switch elements (for NEAs only) on the charts.

This is all very complicated. Its complicated because there are too many minor planets to draw quickly enough, so I need to have shortcuts. The main shortcut is sorting elements into separate epoch files for plotting on the charts. Doing that, runs contrary to observing an NEA during close approach, so it needs a kludge in place to make it work at all for that.

Let me put it this way: my idea would mean you wouldn't have to understand the complicated things going on under the hood. It would all just work with no additional effort from the user.
Hi Greg,

I generally only use the MPC's 'NEAs at Today's Epoch' datafile download. That file is almost always satisfactory for my needs. BMD is the one who likes to use elements from HORIZONS. Switching elements sounds like a great improvement.

MPC has added 175 NEOs so far this month & there are over 31k of them now!

I look forward to seeing your solution.


Phil S.
Hi Phil,

I just went back and re-read your original post to see how I could have misunderstood so completely, and I'm kinda gobsmacked. I mean, it was you who brought these exact issues up!
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
When I first developed the minor planet database for SkyTools, there were something like 7000 minor planets (in total) known!
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound

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