2023-04-08, 11:17 PM
CNEOS predicts that the newly discovered NEO 2023 GG will make a close approach on 2023-Apr-11 00:25±<00:01 UT at a distance of 0.01018 AU moving at 10.59 km/sec. H=23.3 magnitude, the diameter is 59 m - 130 m, 'Rarity'=1, Condition Code=7, 3 day observation arc. The Earth MOID=0.00395153 AU. This NEO was first observed at ATLAS South Africa, Sutherland on 2023-04-05.
Using MPC's elements for 2023 Apr 8 0000 UT, ST4v predicts that this NEO will reach a peak brightness of 15.6 magnitude on 2023 Apr 9 at 2200 EDT when it will be moving through Hydra at 66"/min. The predicted close approach time (to the nearest hour) is 2023 Apr 10 at 2000 EDT at 15.7 magnitude moving through Cancer at 87"/min in daylight from Columbus, Ohio.
Here's the Object Info dialog for this close approach:
Good hunting,
Phil S.
Using MPC's elements for 2023 Apr 8 0000 UT, ST4v predicts that this NEO will reach a peak brightness of 15.6 magnitude on 2023 Apr 9 at 2200 EDT when it will be moving through Hydra at 66"/min. The predicted close approach time (to the nearest hour) is 2023 Apr 10 at 2000 EDT at 15.7 magnitude moving through Cancer at 87"/min in daylight from Columbus, Ohio.
Here's the Object Info dialog for this close approach:
Good hunting,
Phil S.