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Big, Bright Mid June 1994 XD (488453)
CNEOS seems down right now but I ran into this old big rock that makes a close pass on the evening of June 11 20:00CDT. This ~1/2Km rock will be running in the mid 13s b4 moon rise on both the 10th & 11th just after midnight at a speed near 1'/min high in the east. Possibly one bright enough for a look-see.
This looks like a good one. CNEOS hasn't changed the close approach time since April 22.

Here's the Object Info dialog for the close approach:     

It's currently pretty faint in Ophiuchus. This pass is about as close as it can get based on the Earth MOID.

This one's followed by 2020 DB5 on June 15 that's about the same size and brightness. The southern hemisphere's favored for that one as the close approach occurs with the NEO in Centaurus.

Good hunting,

Phil S.
Here's an update on the close approach of (488453) 1994 XD. Since the orbit was very well known with a Condition Code = 0, the particulars of the close approach of this NEO haven't chanced since the 2023 Apr 22 CNEOS output.

It's currently predicted to be 16.3 magnitude in Ophiuchus.

Here's the Object Info dialog for 2023 May 30:     

Phil S.

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