2024-06-24, 07:58 PM (This post was last modified: 2024-06-24, 08:03 PM by mike@lockwood.us.com.)
(2024-06-24, 04:18 PM)theskyhound Wrote: Hello,
Looking at your printed output, I can see that some lines have a little bit of text just past the end. What appears to be happening is that lines of text are being overwritten on top of other lines of text. So, there isn't a problem with logic writing to the printer. The problem seems to be between that and the printer itself.
This leads to a question: how are you generating this PDF file? What are you printing to?
When I print to a printer, I get the same printout.
To prevent wasting paper, I tried using Microsoft Print to PDF with the same results.
I've attached today's recommended ST4 Auto Schedule - see .png screen shot attached
Also, please see the Microsoft Print to PDF settings screen shot attached as well as the most recent printout
thank you for your prompt replies
I've noticed this thread has more than 2,000 views..... I would analyze that the ASI Air is being used by 1000's of amateur Astrophotographers ?
There are known problems with Microsoft print to pdf. I had to stop using it because it was so unreliable (not just for SkyTools). I have been happily using PrimoPDF ever since, which is free.
I am surprised that your printed output is suffering from the same issue. The printing in SkyTools uses a standardized solution. Its all basically the same code, and it hasn't been changed since version 2 way back in 2005 or so. Sending a line feed is pretty basic stuff. I have also not had any other similar reports. This makes me wonder if there isn't something going on related to your specific installation or system, but I don't know what that might be.
I will start doing test prints to see if I can reproduce the issue and dig around some more in the code to see if there is anything suspicions with the particular output.
In the meantime, please try experimenting with changing the font and maybe the margins on the print dialog that pops up. If you don't want to waste paper, please consider installing PrimoPDF for testing.
Yes, the ASI Air is very popular. I have had some difficulty explaining to people that what SkyTools calculates is a simple set of instructions that can be followed using any control system. It doesn't need to be connected to the camera directly. I mean, all you need to do is to start taking X second exposures in Y filter at a specific time, right?
2024-06-25, 05:07 PM (This post was last modified: 2024-06-25, 05:07 PM by theskyhound.)
Also, here is another thing to try: please temporarily change the mount for you imaging system to something other than a GEM, then try again. There seems to be a relationship between the missing output and meridian flips? Maybe? That will eliminate the meridian flips.
(2024-06-25, 05:07 PM)theskyhound Wrote: Also, here is another thing to try: please temporarily change the mount for you imaging system to something other than a GEM, then try again. There seems to be a relationship between the missing output and meridian flips? Maybe? That will eliminate the meridian flips.
I have been using Microsoft pdf print for many years in my line of work ( lumber industry ) and have not noticed any of the problems you mentioned. Although.....I will attempt the GEM suggestion you mentioned to see if that makes a difference.
I've already changed the fonts type, size and also the margins on both the hard copy Brother printer and pdf outputs - both are identical printouts, leaving out some of the data ( workflow ) provided by the Scheduler.
In the meantime, I have a workaround hand writing the target information and workflow recommended by ST4.
As mentioned originally, I purchased ST4 and the subsequent upgrades as a learning and planning tool. Not being able to provide a printout is not a game changer for me.
I appreciate the prompt customer service - after 50+ years serving the public in the lumber industry I chiseled out a good living doing the same.
I was going to ask you to try copying the schedule to the clipboard instead, to see if the issue remains, but apparently I haven't implemented that yet. I know I meant to... but I don't use this feature myself and I suppose a people can't be expected to miss a feature they don't know is supposed to be there. Maybe I'll find a clue by adding that.
Please try making the change to the mount when you get the chance. It will help me determine the cause of the problem.
(2024-06-25, 08:38 PM)theskyhound Wrote: I was going to ask you to try copying the schedule to the clipboard instead, to see if the issue remains, but apparently I haven't implemented that yet. I know I meant to... but I don't use this feature myself and I suppose a people can't be expected to miss a feature they don't know is supposed to be there. Maybe I'll find a clue by adding that.
Please try making the change to the mount when you get the chance. It will help me determine the cause of the problem.
Yes....I tried copying the schedule to the clipboard and pasting into Notepad, but also discovered that cannot be done.
I changed the type of tracking mount to Dobsonian Alt-Az ( see file attached )
Reverted back to GEM again ( see file attached )
Then I played around with different fonts ( see file attached )
All with the same result either by printing a hard copy to a Brother printer or saving as a pdf file.
There is another spot I tried to print the sorted results ( can't remember where though ) which had a print icon - but the print option did not bring up any printer options....so I moved on to my next software learning session via YouTube
I'm working on this and I am now wondering it it has something to do with they way your imaging system is configured. There are a low a variations, and yours may be a variation that is not working properly.
When you get the chance, could you be so kind as to select your imaging system, click Save, and then either upload the file here or email it to me at support at skyhound dot com.
(2024-06-26, 10:10 PM)theskyhound Wrote: I'm working on this and I am now wondering it it has something to do with they way your imaging system is configured. There are a low a variations, and yours may be a variation that is not working properly.
When you get the chance, could you be so kind as to select your imaging system, click Save, and then either upload the file here or email it to me at support at skyhound dot com.
Please find my Stellarvue SVX102T-R refractor Imaging System data attached.
The scope is 102mm diameter with 557mm focal length using a .80 reducer & flattener
thank you again for dedicating your resources to this thread