Purchase SkyTools 4 Upgrade from SkyTools 3

Upgrade Pricing

The pricing depends on your edition of SkyTools 3. You can upgrade to the equivalent edition of SkyTools 4 for half price, or apply that discount to an upgrade to a higher product/edition. 

Detailed pricing

SkyTools 4 installs as a completely separate App on your computer. An import function is provided to import your visual telescopes, locations, observers, observing lists, notes/links/images, and logs entries.

SkyTools 3 Serial Number: the SkyTools 3 serial number is displayed on the SkyTools Preferences dialog, opened from the SkyTools 3 planner tool bar.


 Step 1: Enter the email that was used to order SkyTools 3 and your serial number


(Not for upgrading from any version of SkyTools 4, see below)



SkyTools 3 Serial Number



IMPORTANT: if you already have SkyTools 4, do not use this form to upgrade. Instead,  use the "Upgrade Your Product" option on the top-level Setup menu.