features not found in other software:
derived from recent observations
Coma diameters
and tail lenghts derived from recent observations
difficulty estimates from our contrast model
observing synopses
daily optimum viewing time charts
the aid of the multi-view telescope (or binocular) finder
charts it is a simple matter even for a beginner to find
a naked eye, telescopic or binocular comet. The charts are true
simulations that display what you can expect to see in the eyepiece, at
your location with your instrument. Everything from light
pollution to the experience of the observer is taken into
account. Click on the thumbnail to see a plot of comet C/2022
E3 (ZTF) as seen in a TV 100 binoculars from a dark site. The comet
can be plotted every night at the time when it is best observed. All
you have to do is print the chart and then go out and look at
the time indicated for each night.
Wasted on Fickle Comets
can rely on SkyTools to remain current. Comet observers around the world
sometimes turn their
telescopes to view a bright comet only to see
nothing. Unknown to them, the comet had disintegrated and was no longer detectable. Other
products and websites often continue to show a comet as an easy
object for small telescopes for weeks and even months after it
was known to have disappeared.
Because the others obtain
their comet data directly from the Minor Planet Center, which is fine for
generating precise positions. But the magnitude parameters
published with these positions are often out of date or in
error. In the ever-changing world of comet observing,
knowing the current size and magnitude of a comet is
essential. This information can only be obtained from
recent observations and SkyTools is the only software that
integrates these recent observations into its easily accessible
online database.
that Comet Visible in My Telescope?
makes visual comet observing frustrating is that the big diffuse comets are
far more difficult to detect than the small compact ones.
Even with an accurate magnitude it is difficult to know if a
given comet will be visible to you. SkyTools uses a
contrast algorithm to take the guesswork out of comet
observing. It predicts how difficult it will be to
detect a comet under your conditions with your
telescope/binoculars and it accurately depicts the comet's
diameter, giving you a clear idea of what to look for in the
and Where Should I Look?
SkyTools planning tools really shine for comets. Quickly
find out which nights are best to observe your comet, what time
you should go out, and either create a custom finder chart or
drive your computer controlled scope right to it. Remember,
this isn;t a generic calculation. It takes into account your
light pollution, telescope, the size and concentration of the
comets coma when making predictions. These calculation are not
done by anyone else.
Observing Synopses
can tell you, in words, everything you need to
know about observing a comet:
On this night C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
is best visible between 04:19a and 05:49a, with the optimum view at 05:21a. It was in Corona Borealis, high in the sky in complete darkness. It
is obvious visually in the Televue 101. The Radian 8mm eyepiece
is ideal. It is magnitude 7.5 with a diameter of 4.1 arc minutes.
In the following 30 days this object is obvious visually from January 2-4, and again from January 11 on, with the best view coming on January 30. During this period it
will brighten rapidly and reach peak altitude of 61° on January 21.
C/2022 E3 (ZTF) reached perihelion in mid January. On January 12 this comet passed within 0.3 AU of the earth. It reached maximum brightness of magnitude 5 in late January. The best visibility from Death Valley, California near maximum brightness was predicted to be in early February when it was approximately magnitude 5. On February 1 this comet was moving quickly across the sky at a peak rate of 16.7 "/min PA 211.3.
Your Observations
you have made your observation the SkyTools logbook provides an
ideal means of recording what you saw. Use the Night
Log to record the entirety of the observing experience,
such as that time when those Raccoons nearly scared you into
dropping your Nagler!