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Old Calibration Files for Utah Telescopes
I hate to be a complainer but...

We were told that all of the telescopes from New Mexico were carefully cleaned, repaired, and re-calibrated when they were moved to Utah.

I'm doing some work that requires the calibration files, and I was extremely dismayed to discover that for the telescopes I checked: T02, T21, and T11, the most recent calibration files are from 2020.

Not only have these telescopes been moved, and supposedly cleaned, and repaired, but even if they hadn't they should not be using calibration files over a year old, let alone three.

Mind blown.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
I'm being told that they have newer calibration files for these telescopes, they just haven't been uploaded for access by users.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound
Just Wow Greg!

So the question is, when iTelescope provides users with Calibrated image files, have they used the new calibration files or these old ones? Doesn't give one a warm, fuzzy does it?

Phil S.
I don't really know for sure, but I suspect that the calibrations are run on the computer that controls the particular telescope. If so, then it would use the local files which presumably have been made by the techs at the observatory. I can't imagine that they would still be using such old files. That wouldn't really make sense. I believe they simply need to copy those files to their main ftp repository, just as the image files are copied from the telescope computer to the same repository for download.
Clear skies,
Head Dude at Skyhound

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